17 July, 2009


honestly...i never knew how much your daily life inflences the dreams you have at night. i just woke up from a dream that included some actions of mine &&. those around me for the past 3 days. im not really going to go into details but let me tell you...it was mind-blowing. alot of statements that were either made by me or someone i was talking to were repeated in the dream. it kinda freaked me out.

*random post*

12 July, 2009


woah. really i think this is the new epidemic. babies having babies. its rather hard for me to watch all these young girls having babies. kuhz really all im thinking is "damn, another statistic". straight up. i hate to say it like that but its the truth. from what ive learned over the years teenage mothers have it hard trying to accomplish their goals in life. honestly i cant count on one hand how many girls wound up pregnant during the 08-09 year at my school. not to mention those few who had abortions or miscarriages. smh. it really hurts my heart to see all these young girls having to take on the responsibility of becoming mothers. idk about you but im afraid to be a teenage mom. not bashing those that (are-were-will be) but thats just not my cup of tea. so i can only imagine what girls must be feeling when the test shows a (+) sign. idk but in my opinion girls need to start investing in codoms and birth control pills. don't always rely on the boy your messing with to provide the protection.

08 July, 2009

listen uhpp ladies .

ladies listen up. you're beautiful. gorgeous. intelligent. but really, yall need to start believing that && in yourselves. believe that if you set your mind on doing something, you can achieve it. don't let someone else dictate how you're going to live your life. no matter what age you are. --- no, i am not condoning disrespecting the authority figures in your life, just saying learn to take initiative in your lives. that's all i'm saying. respect yourselves &&. your bodies. they're temples &&. should be treated as such. don't let just any nigga or female --if thats what you're into-- hit it. if anything...make 'em work for it. they gotta earn the cooch, feel me??. just because he said you're beautiful, or he's buying you little gifts don't mean you HAVE to give it up. no matter what he says. there's no need for women to leave their homes with clothes on leaving nothing to the imagination of those looking. be classy. even if you're just rocking jeans &&. sneakers. be classy about it. no need to be an attention whore. take pride in yourself. love yourself. &&. dammit look yourself in the mirror everyday and tell the girl in the mirror that you love her and that she's beautiful.

06 July, 2009

michael jackson.

okayy. honestly, if yuhh didnt know that Michael Jackson passed away ... you've been living under a rock. even though i didn't grow up listening to him like my mother did, i have so much respect for this man. he's a true musical genius and has directly &&. indirectly influenced me. obviously i am not thee only person affected by his death - whether negative or positive - buht i know for sure that real music died when Michael died. since the day he passed i've been keeping up with all the news and coming legal battles &&. in my opinion, his death has become a media circus. quite a few news channels and websites have decided that they will not only report on the singer's death, buht also trudge up old controversies and dramas. i happen to think that it so unnecessary &&. disrespectful to speak ill of the dead. for me when yuhh say Michael Jackson, i think of a man who just wanted to please people &&. make others happy. when yuhh say Michael Jackson, i envision a musical genius who broke cultural barriers. buht i also think of a man that obviously had too many problems in his lifetime. i only wish someone had spoken to him extensively &&. had been there before he self-destructed. my question for yuhh as the reader--- why try to tarnish a man's reputation even though he's no longer around to defend it??. smh

RestInHeaven Michael. Yuh will be missed <3>